

The overall goal of the program is to create a network of scientists from marginalized and/or disadvantaged backgrounds to provide professional development and mutual career support. The program is designed to be
longitudinal and self-sustaining, and includes graduate students, postdocs, and Assistant Professors. The hope is that this program will improve retention of these participants in the field, increasing the overall diversity of research faculty in neuroscience.

The group meets three times each year. The program pays all expenses related to these events, including airfare and lodging for the participants.

The program includes:

I. Professional Development

Career Readiness
Teaching and Mentoring
Leadership and Management

II. Mentoring (How to mentor and how to be mentored)

Traditional Mentoring
Group Mentoring
Peer/Near Peer Mentoring

III. Research Enhancement

Here we have funds to support participants’ access to the University of Minnesota scientific cores to provide training in new technologies to support their research projects. This training will include generating preliminary data for project feasibility. These facilities include a genomics center, human imaging core, high-end microscopic imaging (including whole brain imaging via light sheet microscopy), viral innovation core, and neural connectome core.